Where Ceremony, Precaution, and Technology Meet

Where Ceremony, Precaution, and Technology Meet

In this time of Covid-19 there seems to be an air of “you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone” around remembrance ceremonies.  We’re living in a day and age where we hear more and more people saying, “I don’t want a funeral,” and/or, “I hate funerals.” ...
Mi Rosa

Mi Rosa

When I told Chelsie my “Mi Rosa” story after returning from my honeymoon in Cancun, we laughed a very good, good laugh. I am emotional and sentimental at heart. We all know this. Upon landing in Mexico, I was given a beautiful, light pink, almost peachish rose, and it...
Stop All The Clocks

Stop All The Clocks

We were provided thirty pages of poems and readings in my funeral celebrant training. The deathling in me sat down with my highlighter, ready to add some new gems to my repertoire. I have lots of go-to quotes and poems as-is, and was eager for more. To my surprise, I...