Vitals On A Dead Guy?

Vitals On A Dead Guy?

My brother Robert died at the age of fifty-one in June 2018 at the Oklahoma Heart Hospital during an attempt to replace an old, failing, plastic heart valve he’d had put in when he was thirteen. I would have referred to it as an open-heart surgery, but really, they...
Tears Don’t Need Justifying

Tears Don’t Need Justifying

My every-few-mornings routine for years was to pour a little bit of H20 from my night stand water glass into my tarantula’s water bowl. She’d been a part of our family for sixteen years. Half my life. One morning, about to get dressed for work, wrapped in only a...
Ageism Much?

Ageism Much?

The search for the fountain of youth is an age-old tale. This recent bio-tech article makes it clear just how off-putting the idea of aging is for some, and how desperately we want a “cure.”  “David Sinclair, a geneticist at Harvard Medical School, is one of...
Mi Rosa

Mi Rosa

When I told Chelsie my “Mi Rosa” story after returning from my honeymoon in Cancun, we laughed a very good, good laugh. I am emotional and sentimental at heart. We all know this. Upon landing in Mexico, I was given a beautiful, light pink, almost peachish rose, and it...